Jaroslav Peregrin - complete bibliography


Worlds and Words, Filosofická fakulta UK, Praha, 1992
Logika ve filosofii, filosofie v logice (Historický úvod do analytické filosofie) [Logic in Philosophy, Philosophy in Logic (A Historical Introduction into Analytic Philosophy)], Herrmann a synové, Praha, 1992 [in Czech]
Úvod do teoretické sémantiky [Introduction to Theoretical Semantics], Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 1994 [in Czech]
Doing Worlds with Words, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1995
Úvod do teoretické sémantiky [Introduction into Theoretical Semantics], Karolinum (skripta FF UK), Praha, 1998 [in Czech]
Význam a struktura [Meaning and Structure], OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1999 [in Czech]
Meaning and Structure, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001
Filosofie a jazyk [Philosophy and Language], Praha, Triton, 2003 [in Czech]
Úvod do teoretické sémantiky [Introduction to Theoretical Semantics], Karolinum (skripta FF UK), Praha, 2003 [in Czech]
Logika a logiky [Logic and logics], Praha, Academia, 2004 [in Czech]
Kapitoly z analytické filosofie [Chapters from analytic philosophy], Filosofia, Praha, 2005 [in Czech]
Filozofie pro normální lidi [Philosophy for sane people], Dokořán, Praha, 2008 [in Czech]
Od jazyka k logice [From Language to Logic] [co-authored by V. Svoboda], Academia, Praha, 2009 [in Czech]
Člověk a pravidla [Man and rules], Dokořán, Praha, 2011 [in Czech]
Jak jsme zkonstruovali svou vlastní mysl [How we have constructed our own mind], Dokořán, Praha, 2014 [in Czech]
Inferentialism: why rules matter, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2014
Reflective equilibrium and the Principles of Logical Analysis: Understanding the Laws of Logic [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], Routledge, New York, 2017
Filosofie logiky [Philosophy of Logic] [co-authored by Vlasáková, M.], Filosofia, Praha, 2017 [in Czech]
Co je nového v logice? [What is new in logic?], Nová Beseda, Praha, 2018 [in Czech]
Philosophy of logical systems, Routledge, New York, 2019
Člověk v zrcadle teorie her [Man in the mirror of game theory], Dokořán, Praha, 2021 [in Czech]
Člověk jako normativní tvor [Humans as normative creatures], Academia, Praha, 2022 [in Czech]
Normative Species: How Naturalized Inferentialism Explains Us, Routledge, New York, 2024


Studie z transformační a formální gramatiky [Studies in transformational and formal grammar] [co-authored by Hajičová, E.], SPN (skripta MFF UK), Praha, 1988 [in Czech]
Co je analytický výrok? [What is an analytic statement?] [co-authored by S. Sousedík], OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995 [in Czech]
P. Tichý: O čem mluvíme? (Vybrané stati k logice a sémantice) [What do we talk about? (Selected papers on logic and semantics)], Filosofia, Praha, 1996 [in Czech]
Discourse Kinematics, Topic-Focus Structure and Logic (an ESSLLI workshop reader) [co-authored by Partee, B.], , Praha, 1996
Co po metafyzice? [What after metaphysics?], Archa, Bratislava, 1997 [in Czech]
The Nature of Truth (if any), Filosofia, Praha, 1997
Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo [Linguistic Turn: Second Round], Filosofia, Praha, 1998 [in Czech]
Truth and its nature, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999
Meaning: the Dynamic Turn, Oxford, Elsevier, 2003
Logika mezi matematikou a filosofií [Logic between mathematics and philosophy], Filosofia, Praha, 2006 [in Czech]


W.V.O. Quine: Hledání pravdy [Pursuit of Truth], Herrmann a synové, Praha, 1994 [in Czech]
Mehta, V.: Setkání s filosofy [Onwards and Upwards with the Arts], ARCHA, Bratislava, 1995 [in Czech]
Dennett, D.: Druhy myslí [Kinds of minds], ARCHA, Bratislava, 1997 [in Czech]
Quine, W.V.O.: Od stimulu k vědě [From Stimulus to Science], Filosofia, Praha, 2002 [in Czech]
Doxiadis, A. and Papadimitriou, C. H.: Logicomix, Dokořán, Praha, 2012


Model-theoretical approach to sociolinguistics, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1984, 45-65
An Attempt at a Framework for Semantic Interpretation of Natural Language [co-authored by Sgall, P.], Theoretical Linguistics 13, 1986, 37-73
Quantification and Reference in Natural Language, Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetorics, 1987, 159-185
Intersubjectivity Scales and Intension, Rusza, I. & Szabolczi, A. (eds.): Proceedings of LOGIC & LANGUAGE '87, Academiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1987, 185-197 (963-462-238-0)
A Contribution to the Theory of Propositional Attitudes, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1987, 13-36
Přirozený jazyk, PROLOG a 'události' [Natural Language, PROLOG, and 'events'], Sborník AI'88, ČSVTS, Praha, 1988, 249-256 [in Czech]
The notion of possible world in logic and in logical analysis of natural language, Proceedings of LOGICA'88, FLÚ ČSAV, Praha, 1988, 62-75
Místo Montaguovy gramatiky v systémech logiky a lingvistiky [The Place of Mongague Grammar within the Systems of Logic and Linguistics], Hajičová, E. & Peregrin, J. (eds.): Studie z transformační a formální gramatiky IV, SPN (skripta MFF UK), Praha, 1988, 5-16 [in Czech]
Logika jako prostředek schematizace jazyka [Logic as a Means of Natural Language Schematization], Sborník AI'89, ČSVTS, Praha, 1989, 273-280 [in Czech]
Theory of Types: Good Servant, Bad Master, Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics, 1990, 159-176
On a Logical Formalization of Natural Language, Kybernetika 26, 1990, 327-341
Sprache und ihre Formalisierung, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40, 1992, 237-244 ([in German])
On Meaning of Predicates, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1992, 15-24
Meaning, Truth and Models, From the Logical Point of View, 1992, 67-75
Logical Approach to Discourse Dynamics, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1992, 5.X
The Role of Variables in the Formalization of Natural Language, Proceedings of the Eight Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, 1992, 463-481
Is Language a Code?, From the Logical Point of View, 1993, 73-79
Possible Worlds: A Critical Analysis, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1993, 9-21
Language and Formalisms, Linguistica Pragensia, 1993, 74-80
Jazyk, Existence a Mytizace [Language, Existence and Mythization], Česká mysl 43, 1993, 113-129 [in Czech]
Jazyk a svět [Language and the World], Filosofický časopis 41, 1993, 737-760 [in Czech]
Semantic Interpretation, Proceedings of LOGICA'92, FLÚ AV ČR, Praha, 1993, 19-37
Richarda Rortyho cesta k postmodernismu [Richard Rorty's Way to Postmodernism], Filosofický časopis 42, 1994, 381-402 [in Czech]
Post-analytická filosofie [Post-analytic Philosophy], ORGANON F 1, 1994, 89-108 [in Czech]
O čem je sémantika? [What is Semantics About?], Slovo a slovesnost 55, 1994, 106-115 [in Czech]
Interpreting Formal Logic, Erkenntnis 40, 1994, 5-20
Formalization of Language as a Means of Philosophical Analysis, G.Meggle & U.Wessels (eds.): Proceedigns of Analyomen 1, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1994, 939-945
Generalized Quantifiers: A New Paradigm?, V.Svoboda (ed.): Proceedings of LOGICA'93, Filosofia, Praha, 1994, 25-32
Topic-focus articulation as generalized quantification, P. Bosch & R. van der Sandt (eds.): Proceedings of Focus and natural language processing, IBM Deutschland, Heidelberg, 1994, 379-387
V.W. Quine a jeho 'logický postpositivismus' [V.W. Quine and his 'Logical Postpositivism'], W.V.O. Quine: Hledání pravdy, Herrmann a synové, Praha, 1994, 112-123 [in Czech]
Dynamic Semantics with Choice Functions [co-authored by K. von Heusinger], U. Egli & K. von Heusinger (eds.): Choice Functions in Natural Language Semantics, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 1995, 43-67 (mírně upravená verze vyšla v Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning (ed. Kamp & Partee, nejprve Unuversität Stuttgart, 1995)
Structuralism: Slogan or Concept?, Lingua e Stile 30, 1995, 475-495
Structural Linguistics and Formal Semantics, E. Hajičová et al. (eds.): Travaux de Circle Linguistique de Prague I, Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1995, 85-97
Je realismus problémem? [Is Realism a Problem?], Realismus ve vědě a filosofii, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1995, 405-413 [in Czech]
Topic, Focus and the Logic of Language, Kohlhof, I., Winkler, S. & Drubig, H.B. (eds.): Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen für die Computerlinguistic, IBM Deutschland, Heidelberg, 1995, 49-57
Diskuse o analytičnosti v našem století [The Discussion of Analyticity in our Century], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík (ed.): Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 15-24 [in Czech]
Co člověk potřebuje, když potřebuje 'logiku vyššího řádu'? [What does one need when she needs 'higher-order logic'?], nepublikováno, 1995 [in Czech] (anglická verze vyšla v Proceedings of LOGICA'96)
Wheelerova dekonstrukce filosofických hradeb [Wheeler's Deconstruction of Philosophical Boundaries], Filosofický časopis 44, 1996, 963-967 [in Czech]
Pavel Tichý a jeho logika [Pavel Tichý and His Logic], J. Peregrin (ed.): P. Tichý: O čem mluvíme (vybrané stati k logice a sémantice), FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1996, 9-35 [in Czech]
Dynamická sémantika a dynamická logika [Dynamic Semantics and Dynamic Logic], ORGANON F 4, 1996, 333-348 [in Czech]
Topic and Focus in a Formal Framework, B. Partee & P. Sgall (eds.): Discourse and Meaning, Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1996, 235-254
Introduction [co-authored by Partee, B.], B. Partee a J. Peregrin (eds.): Discourse Kinematics, Topic-Focus Structure and Logic (an ESSLLI workshop reader), Praha, 1996, III-XVI
Reference and Inference, K. Heusinger & U.Egli (eds.): Proceedings of REFERENCE & ANAPHORICAL RELATIONS, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, 1996, 105-122 (upravená verze přetištěna ve stejnojmenné knize vydané nakladatelstvím Kluwer Dordrecht, 2000)
Structure and Meaning, Semiotica 113, 1997, 71-88
Language and its Models, Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 2, 1997, 1-23
Theories of Truth: A Guided Tour, J. Peregrin (ed.): The Nature of Truth (if any), FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1997, iii-xiii
When meaning goes by the board, what about philosophy?, Proceedings of ANALYOMEN 2 vol. 2, de Gruyter, Berlin, 1997, 216-222
What does one need when she needs 'higher-order' logic?, Proceedings of LOGICA'96, Filosofia, Praha, 1997
Meaning and 'propositional attitudes' [co-authored by P. Sgall], J.J. Jadacki & W. Strawiński (eds.): In the World of Signs, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1998, 73-80
Logic and Consciousness, The Philosophers Magazine, 1998, 46-47
Internet: dobro, nebo zlo? [Internet: good or evil?], Filosofický časopis 46, 1998, 5-15 [in Czech]
Děláme světy jazykem? [Do We Make Worlds by Language?], ORGANON F 6, 1998, 40-48 [in Czech]
Linguistics and Philosophy, Theoretical Linguistics 25, 1998, 245-264
Obrat k jazyku a analytická filosofie [The Linguistic Turn and Analytic Philosophy], J. Peregrin (ed.): Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1998 [in Czech]
(Nedokončená?) revoluce v pohledu na jazyk?, Slovo a slovesnost 60, 1999, 37-45
Logika a myšlení [Logic and Thought], V. Havlík (ed.): Mezi jazykem a myšlením, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1999, 41-49 [in Czech]
Donald Davidson: boj s 'mýtem subjektivního' [Donald Davidson: fighting the 'myth of the subjective'], Filosofický časopis 47, 1999, 191-214 [in Czech]
The Pragmatization of Semantics, K. Turner (ed.): The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points of View, Elsevier, North-Hollard, 1999, 419-442
Zen & the art of (Davidsonian) analytic philosophy, unpublished, 1999 ((Czech version appeared in my book 'Filosofie a jazyk'))
Pozoruhodné logické systémy I-IV [Interesting logical systems I-IV], ORGANON F 8, 2000, 90-96, 210-217, 342-348, 460-466 [in Czech]
The 'Natural' and the 'Formal', Journal of Philosophical Logic 29, 2000, 75-101
'Fregean' Logic and 'Russellian' Logic, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78, 2000, 557-575
Gottlob Frege [Gottlob Frege], Filosofický časopis 48, 2000, 623-636 [in Czech]
Co je to (Fregovská) logika? [What is (Fregean) Logic?], F. Gahér (ed.): Bolzano(+150)-Frege(*150) (Logica et Methodologica, vol. VI), Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava, 2000, 49-57 [in Czech]
Reference and Inference, K. von Heusinger & U.Egli (eds.): Reference and Anaphoric Relations, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, 269-286
Variables in Natural Language: Where They Do Come From?, M. Böttner & W.Thümmel (eds.): Variable-free Semantics, Secolo, Osnabrück, 2000, 46-65
The Logic of Anaphora, T. Childers (ed.): The Logica Yearbook 1999, Filosofia, Praha, 2000, 191-205
Constructions and Concepts, T. Childers & J. Palomäki (eds.): Between Words and Worlds (A Festschrift for Pavel Materna), Filosofia, Praha, 2000, 34-48
TIL a hyperintenzionatita [TIL and hyperintenzionality], ProFil 2, 2001 [in Czech]
Absolute and Relative Concepts in Logic, O. Majer (ed.): Logica Yearbook 2000, Praha, Filosofia, 2001, 71-77
Metaphysics as an Attempt to Eat One's Cake and Have it, U. Mexiner (ed.): Metaphysics in the Post-Metaphysical Age, Wien, öbv & hpt, 2001, 349-357
Co je to jazyk?, Aluze, 2001, 70-76
Dynamic Semantics with Choice Functions [co-authored by K. von Heusinger], H. Kamp & B.Partee (eds.): Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, 255-274
Proč Wittgenstein opustil traktátovskou teorii jazyka a proč bychom jej měli následovat [Why Wittgenstein abandonned the Tractarian theory of language and why we should follow him], ORGANON F 10, 2002, 14-22 [in Czech]
Formální zachycení kontextu [Formal Capturing of Context], Slovo a slovesnost 64, 2003, 8-20 [in Czech]
Quine a rozhraní mezi analytickým a syntetickým [Quine and the analytic/synthetic distinction], Filosofický časopis 51, 2003, 84-92 [in Czech]
Dvě úrovně sémantiky [Two levels of semantics], Filosofický časopis 51, 2003, 547-565 [in Czech]
Meaning and Inference, T. Childers and O. Majer (ed.): Logica Yearbook 2002, Praha, Filosofia, 2003, 193-205
Other worlds (what is the use of worlds beyond the real one?), H. Rott & V. Horák (eds.): Possibility and Reality - Metaphysics and Logic, Ontos, Frankfurt a M., 2003
Pragmatism and Semantics, P. Ghirardelli, Jr & J. Zabatiero (ed.): Revista Filosofia Americana, CEFA & FTSA, 2003 ([in Portugese])
Logic as 'making it explicit', L. Běhounek (ed.): Logica Yearbook 2003, Praha, Filosofia, 2004
Pojem interpretace v logice [The concent of intepretation in logic], M. Zouhar (ed.): Používanie, interpretácia a význam jazykových výrazov, VEDA, Bratislava, 2004, 9-19 [in Czech]
Pragmatismus und Semantik, Fuhrmann, A. and Olsson E. J. (eds.): Pragmatisch denken, Ontos, Frankfurt a M., 2004, 89-108 ([in German])
Is propositional calculus categorical?, unpublished, 2004
The 'Causal Story' and the 'Justificatory Story', Boros, J. (ed.): Mind in World, Brambauer, Pécs, 2005
The Nature of Meaning: Brandom vs. Chomsky, Pragmatics and Cognition 13, 2005, 39-57 (the whole volume reprinted as P. Stekeler-Weithofer (ed.): The Pragmatics of Making it Explicit, Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2008)
Is compositionality an empirical matter?, M. Werning, E. Machery & G. Schurz (eds.): The Compositionality of Meaning and Content, Ontos, Frankfurt, 2005, 135-150
Co je to sémantika? [What is semantics?], P. Sousedík (ed.): Jazyk, logika věda, Filosofia, Praha, 2005, 51-62 [in Czech]
Brandom and Davidson: what do we need to account for thinking and agency, Philosophica 75, 2006, 43-59
Meaning as an inferential role, Erkenntnis 64, 2006, 1-36
Developing Sellars' semantic legacy: meaning as a role, P. Wolf and M. N. Lance: The Self-Correcting Enterprise, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2006, 257-274
Logica ludus, Nosek, J. (ed.): Hra, věda a filosofie, Filosofia, Praha, 2006, 203-211
Fregův obrat k jazyku [Frege's linguistic turn], M. Nitzsche, P. Sousedík & M. Šimsa (eds.): Schisma filosofie 20. století, Filosofia, Praha, 2006, 29-42 [in Czech]
Semantics as Based on Inference, J. van Benthem et al. (eds.): The Age of Alternative Logics, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2006, 25-36
Extensional vs. Intensional Logic, D. Jacquette (ed.): Philosophy of Logic (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science 5), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2006, 831-860
Intersubstitutivity, M. Bílková & O. Tomala (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2005, Filosofia, Praha, 2006, 149-163
Lesk a bída platonistické koncepce sémantiky, M. Zouhar (ed.): Jazyk z pohĺadu sémantiky, pragmatiky a filozofie vedy (Příloha časopisu ORGANON F), FLÚ SAV, Bratislava, 2006, 38-49
Consequence and Inference, Kolman, V. (ed.): Miscellanea Logica: Truth and Proof, FF UK, Prague, 2006, 1-18
Logical Rules and the a priori: Good and Bad Questions, J.-Y. Béziau & A. Costa-Leite (ed.): Perspectives on Universal Logic, Polimetrica, Monza, 2007, 111-122
Gödel, Truth and Proof, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 82, 2007
Proč je Quine převratným filosofem? [Why is Quine a path-breaking philosopher?], L. Dostálová a T. Marvan (ed. ): Quine: nejen gavagai, ZČU, Plzeň, 2007 [in Czech]
Between sentences and Propositions [co-authored by V. Svoboda], M. Zouhar & T. Marvan (eds.): Festschrift for P. Cmorej, VEDA, Bratislava, 2007
Deflationism and Inferentialism, talk at the Pecs conference on Paul Horwich, unpublished, 2007
Logic and 'nothing else', M. Peliš (ed.): The Logica Yearbook 2007, Filosofia, Prague, 2008, 111-118
Wittgenstein a pravidla našich jazykových her [Wittgenstein and the rules of our language games], R. Kišoňová, V. Vitálošová & A. Démuth (eds.): Wittgensteinovské skúmania, Schola Philosophica, Pusté Úľany, 2008, 70-84 [in Czech]
What is *the* logic of inference?, Studia Logica 88, 2008, 263-294
Inferentialist Approach to Semantics, Philosophy Compass 3, 2008, 1208-1223
"Filosof?? A to se nemůžete živit nějak poctivě?" ["A philosopher?? No way to earn your living honestly?"], Filosofie dnes 1, 2009, 65-77 [in Czech] (http://filosofiednes.ff.uhk.cz)
Inferentializing Consequence, M. Peliš (ed.): The Logica Yearbook 2008, College Publications, London, 2009, 155-168
Davidsonův 'konatelský slovník', L. Dostálová a T. Marvan (eds.): Filosofický časopis: Supplementum II, 2009, 7-18
Inferentialism and Compositionality of Meaning, International Review of Pragmatics 1, 2009, 154-181
Co je to myšlenka? [What is a thought?], M. Petrů a kol. (eds.): Struny mysli, Montanex, Ostrava, 2009, 9-19 [in Czech]
Inferentializing Semantics, Journal of Philosophical Logic 39, 2010, 255-274
Kvaszova filosofie matematiky mezi platonismem a naturalismem [Kvasz's philosophy of mathematics between Platonism and naturalism], ORGANON F 17, 2010, 71-80 [in Czech]
Two Concepts of Validity and Completeness, Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Philosophica et Historica (Miscellanea Logica) '07, 2010, 23-39
Language, the world and the nature of philosophy, R. E. Auxier and L. E. Hahn (eds.): The Philosophy of Richard Rorty, La Salle (Ill.), Open Court, 2010, 225-245
The Myth of Semantic Structure, P. Stalmaszczyk (ed.): Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, vol. I: The Formal Turn, Ontos, Frankfurt, 2010, 183-197
Normative Pragmatics, L. Cummings (ed.): The Pragmatics Encyclopedia, Routledge, London, 2010, 297-300
The Enigma of Rules, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18, 2010, 377-394
Brandom's Incompatibility Semantics, Philosophical Topics 36, 2010, 99-122
Inferentialism and communication: language and the code table problem, X. Arrazola and M. Ponte (eds.): LogKCA-10: Proceedings of the Second ILCLI International Workshop on Logic and Philosophy of Knowledge, Communication and Action, The University of the Basque Country Press, San Sebastian, 2010, 103-116
Normativní pragmatika [Normative pragmatics], M. Zouhar (ed.): Kontext a význam, Aleph, Bratislava, 2010, 22-31 [in Czech]
Kvantifikátory [Quantifiers] [co-authored by Vlasáková, M.], V. Svoboda a kol.: Logika a přirozený jazyk, Filosofia, Praha, 2010, 55-81 [in Czech]
Anafora [Anaphora], V. Svoboda a kol.: Logika a přirozený jazyk, Filosofia, Praha, 2010, 193-218 [in Czech]
Logic and Natural Selection, Logica Universalis 4, 2010, 207-223
Many-valued logic vs. many-valued semantics, unpublished, 2010
The past and future of meaning, The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, vol. 6: Formal Semantics and Pragmatics: Discourse, Context, and Models, URL = http://thebalticyearbook.org/journals/baltic, 2011
Logic as based on incompatibility, M. Peliš and V. Punčochář (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2010, College Publications, London, 2011, 158-167
The use-theory of meaning and the rules of our language games, K. Turner (ed.): Making semantics pragmatic, Emerald, Bingley, 2011, 183-204
Creatures of norms as uncanny niche constructors, T. Hříbek and J. Hvorecký (eds.): Knowledge, Value, Evolution, College Publications, London, 2011, 189-198
Linguistics and Philosophy, R. Kempson, T. Fernando & N. Asher (eds.): Philosophy of Linguistics (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science 14), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012, 1-31
The Normative Dimension of Discourse, K. Allan and K. Jasczolt (eds.): Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2012, 209-225
Inferentialism and the Normativity of Meaning, Philosophia 40, 2012, 75-97
Spory o realismus, Hegel a jazyk(y) matematiky [Disputes about realism, Hegel and the language(s) of mathematics], ORGANON F 19, 2012, 66-83 [in Czech]
What is inferentialism?, L. Gurova (ed.): Inference, Consequence and Meaning (Perspectives on Inferentialism), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, 2012, 3-16
Kognitivní kontrarevoluce? [Cognitive contrarevolution?], Filosofie dnes 4, 2012, 19-35 [in Czech]
Filosofická logika? [Philosophical logic?], Filosofický časopis 60, 2012, 343-360 [in Czech]
Člověk jako normativní tvor [Man as a normative creature], Teorie vědy 34, 2012 [in Czech]
Semantics without meaning?, R. Schantz (ed.): Prospects of Meaning, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2012, 479-502
Která formule je ta pravá? (Kritéria adekvátnosti logické analýzy)) [Which formula is the right one? (Criteria of adequacy of logical analysis))] [co-authored by V. Svoboda], ORGANON F (supplementary issue 1) 19, 2012, 163-179 [in Czech]
Logical form and reflective equilibrium [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], M. Peliš and V. Punčochář (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2011, College Publications, London, 2012, 191-209
There is no such thing as predication, Conceptus 40/2011, 2013, 29-51
Odkud se berou axiomy logiky? [Where do axioms of logic come from?], ORGANON F (supplementary issue 2) 20, 2013, 117-139 [in Czech]
Inferentialism and Normativity, M. Beaney (ed.): Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013, 1082-1097
Criteria for logical formalization [co-authored by V. Svoboda], Synthese 190, 2013, 2897-2924
Současné vědecké poznatky o vnímání: voda na mlýn pragmatismu [Current scientific results regarding perception: grist to the mill of philosophical pragmatism], Teorie vědy 35, 2013, 431-442 [in Czech]
Pravidly řízené praktiky [Rule-governed practices], ORGANON F (supplementum) 21, 2014, 104-118 [in Czech]
Logic and reasoning, M. Dančák & V. Punčochář (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2013, College Publications, London, 2014, 143-160
Rules as the Impetus of Cultural Evolution, Topoi 33, 2014, 531–545
Logic and the pursuit of meaning, Stalmaszczyk, P. (ed.): Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Legacy of Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2014, 193-212 (a Czech version appeared in my book 'Filosofie a jazyk')
Implicitní pravidla [Implicit Rules], ORGANON F 21, 2014, 381 - 398 [in Czech]
Logic reduced to bare (proof-theoretical) bones, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24, 2015, 193-209
Inferencialismus [Inferentialism], Filosofický časopis 63, 2015, 163-177 [in Czech]
Logical formalization and the formation of logic(s) [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], Logique & Analyse 233, 2016, 55-80
Incompatibility and inference as bases of logic, P. Arazim & M. Danák (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2015, 2016, 157-162
Normativity of meaning: a Sellarsian perspective, A. Jaume & J. Peregrin (eds.): Taula, 2016, 11-16
Logically incorrect arguments [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], Argumentation 30, 2016, 263-287
Social normativism, M. Risjord (ed.): Normativity and Naturalism in the Social Sciences, Routledge, London, 2016, 60-77
Should one be left or right Sellarsian?, Metaphilosophy 47, 2016, 251–263
What is (modern) logic taken to be about and what it is about , ORGANON F 23, 2016, 142-161
Podíl TIL na "posvětovění" české filosofické logiky, Filosofický časopis 64, 2016, 831-848
Diagonal arguments, Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Philosophica et Historica (Miscellanea Logica), 2017, 33-43
Intensionality in Mathematics, M. Piazza and G. Pulcini (eds.): Truth, Existence and Explanation, Springer, Cham, 2018, 57-70
Laws of logic – where do they all come from? [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], P. Arazim & T. Lávička: The Logica Yearbook 2017, College Publicatioon, London, 2018, 209-221
Inferentialism: where do we go from here, O. Beran, V. Kolman & L. Koreň (eds.): From rules to meanings: New essays on inferentialism, Routledge, New York, 2018, 249-260
Interpretace z pohledu filosofa: co to hledáme, když hledáme smysl [Interpretation from philosopher's viewpoint: what is it that we seek when we seek sense], Revue pro psychoanalytickou psychoterapii a psychoanalýzu 20, 2018, 8-17 [in Czech]
Davidson and Sellars on "two images", Philosophia 46, 2018, 183-192
Is inferentialism circular?, Analysis 78, 2018, 450-454
Co dělá člověka člověkem? "Povaha" versus "potrava" [What makes up a human? "Nature" versus "nurture"], Filosofický časopis 67, 2019, 677-693 [in Czech]
Logic as a (natural) science, I. Sedlár and M. Blicha (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2018, College Publications, London, 2019, 177-196
Carnap's Inferentialism, Schuster, R. (ed.): Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia, Springer, Cham, 2020, 97-109
Inscrutability of reference and Quine's structuralism, F. Janssen-Lauret (ed.): Quine, Structure and Ontology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, 82-95
Normative mindshaping and the normative niche, L. Koreň, H. B. Schmid, P. Stovall and L. Townsend (eds.): Groups, Norms and Practices, Springer, Cham, 2020, 85-98
The complexities of syntax, R. Nefdt, C. Klippi and B. Karstens (eds.): Philosophy and Science of Language: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2021, 13-42
Moderate anti-exceptionalism and earthborn logic [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], Synthese 199, 2021, 8781–8806
Jak filosofovat o lidské mysli? [How to do philosophy of human mind?], Filosofie dnes 13, 2021, 29–39 [in Czech]
Do computers "have syntax, but no semantics"?, Minds and Machines 31, 2021, 305–321
Normative attitudes, L. Townsend, P. Stovall and H. B. Schmid (eds.): The Social Institution of Discursive Norms, Routledge, New York, 2021, 121-137
Logic and human practices, M. Blicha and I. Sedlár (ed.): The Logica Yearbook 2020, College Publications, London, 2021, 162-182
Human World, Analítica, 2021, 20-34
Intersubjektivita ve filosofii a v psychologii [Intersubjectivity in philosophy and in psychology], Revue pro psychoanalytickou psychoterapii a psychoanalýzu 22, 2022, 15-23 [in Czech]
Logica dominans vs. logica serviens [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], Logic and logical philosophy 31, 2022, 183-207
Inferentialism naturalized, Philosophical Topics 50, 2022, 33-54
How to classify varieties of consequence, A. Klev (ed.): The Architecture and Archaeology of Modern Logic, Springer, Cham, 2022?
Establishing Logical Forms [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], Logic and Logical Philosophy 32, 2023, 421-442
Logical Pluralism and Genuine Logic [co-authored by Svoboda, V.], The Logica Yearbook 2022, College Publicatioon, London, 2023, 119-134
GOGAR and logical theories, L. Koreň and P. Stovall (eds.): Why and How we Give and Ask for Reasons, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2023?
Logic as a science of patterns?, Journal of Philosophy 121, 2024, 5-25
Normativity between philosophy and science, Philosophical Psychology 37, 2024, 1215-1239
The inferential construal of meaning, R. Nefdt, G. Dupre, and K. Stanton (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Linguistics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2024?
Inside Human Practices, W. Rzepiński et al. (eds.): Practices in Legal and Social Theories, Routledge, New York, 2024?
Whence correctness?, TOPOI, 2024o


Pragmatics and Beyond Companion Series [co-authored by Sgall, P.], Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1986, 71-79
P.A.M.Seuren: Discourse Semantics, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1986, 52-56
P.Stekeler-Weithofer: Systeme der Logik, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1986, 62-66
R.R.Hauser: Surface Compositional Grammar [co-authored by P. Sgall], Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1987, 56-62
E.M.Barth and R.T.P.Wiche: Problem, Functions and Semantic Roles, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1987, 69-72
J.Hintikka and J.Kulas: Anaphora and Definite Descriptions, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1987, 38-42
G.Chierchia: Topics in the Syntax and Semantics of Infinitives and Gerunds, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1987, 69-72
Generalized Quantifiers, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1988, 113-118
Cognitive Constraints on Communication, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1988, 67-71
R.Goldblatt: Logics of Time and Computation, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1989, 68-70
J.E.Fenstad et al.: Situations, Language and Logic, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1989, 63-67
Studies in Discourse Representation Theory and the Theory of Generalized Quantifiers, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1989, 56-62
Foundations of Pragmatics and Lexical Semantics, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1989, 59-62
Handbook of Philosophical Logic IV, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1990, 81-91
T.Oeherle, E.Bach and D.Wheeler: Categorial Grammars and Natural Language Structures, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1990, 84-88
J.van Benthem: A Manual of Intensional Logic, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1990, 67-71
C.A.Anderson and J.Owens: Propositional Attitudes, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1992, 84-87
R.Jackendoff: Semantic Structures, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1992, 100-103
G.Chierchia, B.Partee and R.Turner: Properties Types and Meanings, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1992, 64-71
Situation Theory and its Applications, vol. II, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1993, 105-108
J.Barwise a J.Etchemendy: The Language of First-Order Logic, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1993, 116-117
A.S.Troelstra: Lienar Logic, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1993, 164-165
G.Sher: The Bonds of Logic, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1993, 146-149
F.Landman: Structures for Semantics, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1993, 138-139
K.Holmqvist: Implementing Cognitive Semantics, Slovo a slovesnost 55, 1994, 308-312
J.Culler: Saussure, ORGANON F 1, 1994, 83-85
A.Ojeda: Linguistic Individuals, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1994, 93-95
G.Chierchia and S.McConell-Ginet: Meaning and Grammar, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1994, 96-98
G.Harman: Conceptions of Mind, Linguistics 71, 1995
V. Novák: The Alternative Mathematical Model of Linguistic Semantics, Kybernetika 31, 1995, 213-215
Semantik (Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung), Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1995, 83-85
R.Brandom: Making it Explicit, Canadian Philosophical Review XV, 1995, 84-86
Model a analogie ve vědě, umění a filosofii, TVAR, 1995, 15
M. de Rijke: Diamonds and Defaults, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1995, 111-113
C. Hagege: The Language Builder, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1995, 87-89
L.Haaparanta, ed.: Mind, Meaning and Mathematics, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1996, 132-134
G. Preyer, F.Siebelt and A.Ulfig: Language, Mind and Epistemology, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1996, 127-131
B.McGuiness and G.Olivieri, eds.: The Philosophy of M.Dummett, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1997, 87-90
R.Larson & G.Segal: Knowledge of Meaning, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1997, 141-143
P. Vopěnka: Čtvrté rozpravy s geomterií, Filosofický časopis 45, 1997, 523-526
M.J.Cresswell: Semantic Indexicality, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1997, 91-92
G.V.Morrill: Type Logical Grammar, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1997, 84-86
Živel živlům!, Filosofický časopis 46, 1998, 85-87
'Mistři věd' z Archy ['Masters of Science' from the ARCHA publishing house], Filosofický časopis 46, 1998 [in Czech]
M.N.Lance & J. O'Leary-Hawthorne: The Grammar of Meaning, Erkenntnis 49, 1998, 403-409
J. van Benthem & A.ter Meulen, eds.: Handbook of Logic and Language, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1998, 51-56
K. von Heusinger: Salienz und Referenz, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 1998, 65-67
P. Materna: Concepts and Objects, Filosofický časopis 47, 1999, 852-857
P. Horwich: Meaning, Erkenntnis 53, 2000, 415-422
S. Akama, ed.: Logic, Language and Computation, Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 73-74, 2000, 121-122
A. Crary & R. Read, eds.: The New Wittgenstein, The Philosophers Magazine, 2001, 58
Rorty and his Critics, R. Brandom (ed.): The Philosophers Magazine, 2001, 57
R. Brandom: Articulating Reasons, Erkenntnis 55, 2001, 121-127
J. Dejnožka: The Ontology of the Analytic Tradition, Filosofický časopis 49, 2001, 701-706
Hajičová, Partee & Sgall: Topic-Focus Articulation, Tripartite Structures, and Semantic Content, Journal of Pragmatics 34, 2002, 331-334
S. Neale: Facing Facts, Journal of Pragmatics 35, 2003, 651-655
S. Soames: Beyond Rigidity, Journal of Pragmatics 35, 2003, 923-925
P. Vopěnka: Meditace o základech vědy, Filosofický časopis 51, 2003, 509-513
P. Kolář: Pravda a fakt, Filosofický časopis 51, 2003, 693-697
R. Brandom: Tales of the Mighty Dead, Erkenntnis 59, 2003, 421-424
L. Valenta: Problémy analytické filosofie, Filosofický časopis 51, 2003
I. Blecha: Fenomenologie a kultura slepé skvrny, Filosofický časopis 52, 2004, 492-499
Quo vadis Academia? [Quo vadis Academia?], Filosofický časopis 53, 2005, 803-805 [in Czech]
M. Zouhar: Podoby referencie, Filosofický časopis 53, 2005, 320-322
Quine: Z logického hĺadiska [Organon F], Slovak translation of Quine: From a logical point of view 14, 2007, 118-221 [in Czech]
W. deVries: Sellars + J. O.Shea: Sellars, Erkenntnis 69, 2008, 131-135
Following the Rules of Discourse (R. Kukla and M. Lance: 'Yo' and 'Lo' + J. Heath: Following the Rules), International Review of Pragmatics 2, 2010, 118-128
B. Weiss: How to Understand Language, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (http://ndpr.nd.edu/), 2010
I. Leudar and A. Costall: Against Theory of Mind [I. Leudar and A. Costall: Against Theory of Mind], Sociologický časopis 46, 2010, 18-22 [in Czech]
J. Wanderer: R. Brandom, ORGANON F 17, 2010, 413-418
A. Marmor: Social Conventions, Organon F 18, 2011, 123-127
A. Noë: Out of Our Heads, Organon F 18, 2011, 254-260
S. Turner: Explaining the Normative, ORGANON F 18, 2011, 405-411
S. Bowles and H. Gintis: A Cooperative Species, ORGANON F 19, 2012, 260-266
T. Burge: Origins of objectivity, ORGANON F 19, 2012, 114 - 122
C. Gauker: Words and Images, ORGANON F 19, 2012, 543 - 547
Restall and Russell (eds.): New Waves in Philosophical Logic, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91, 2013, 824-826
Realismus, relativismus a trápení ducha: Úvahy nad knihou Tomáše Marvana: Realismus a relativismus [Realism, relativism and the vexation of spirit: Reflections on Tomáš Marvan's book Realism and relativism], Filosofie dnes 6, 2014, 64-74 [in Czech]
Huw Price: Expressivism, Pragmatism and Representationalism, ORGANON F 21, 2014, 272-279
J. W. Garson: What Logics Mean, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 93, 2015, 613-616
G. Brennan, L. Eriksson, R. E. Goodin, & N. Southwood: Explaining Norms, ORGANON F 22, 2015, 262-265
M. Risjord: Philosophy of Social Science, ORGANON F 22, 2015, 425-428
J. Rouse: Articulating the World, ORGANON F 23, 2016, 417-426
N. Francez: Proof-theoretic semantics, ORGANON F 23, 2016, 551-555
Hugo Mercier & Dan Sperber: The Enigma of Reason , ORGANON F 24, 2017, 553-558
P. Olen: Wilfrid Sellars and the foundations of normativity , ORGANON F 24, 2017, 427-432
M. Petříček: Co je nového ve filozofii , Filosofický časopis 67, 2019, 144-149
V. Janoščík, L. Likavčan, J. Růžička (eds.): Mysl v terénu: filosofický realismus v 21. století, Filosofický časopis 67, 2019, 625-628
N. Kürbis: Proof and Falsity, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (http://ndpr.nd.edu/), 2019
N. Roughley and K. Bayerts (eds.): The normative animal?, ORGANON F 27, 2020, 416-420
M. Taliga: Kritický racionalizmus a metóda falzifikácie [review of M. Taliga: Kritický racionalizmus a metóda falzifikácie], Filosofický čsopis 68, 2020, 835-7 [in Czech]
Z. Rybaříková: Úvod do logiky Lvovsko-varšavské školy, Filosofický časopis 69, 2021, 166-8
S. Shieh: Necessity Lost: Modality and Logic in Early Analytic Philosophy, ORGANON F 28, 2021, 492–495
Tomáš Hříbek: Obrana asistované smrti [Tomáš Hříbek: Obrana asistované smrti], Filosofický časopis 69, 2021, 839-842 [in Czech]
C. Dutilh Novaes: The Dialogical Roots of Deduction, ORGANON F, 2021?
J. Warren: Shadows of syntax, ORGANON F 29, 2022, 165–172
Marek Hrubec - Martin Kopecký (eds.): Nová vědecká éra? [review of Marek Hrubec – Martin Kopecký (eds.): Nová vědecká éra?], Filosofický časopis 70, 2022, 607-613 [in Czech]


Partee, B.: Domněnkové věty a meze sémantiky [Belief Sentences and the Limits of Semantics], Hajičová, E. & Peregrin, J. (eds.): Studie z transformační a formální gramatiky IV, SPN (skripta MFF UK), Praha, 1988, 37-52 [in Czech]
Hausser, R.R.: Konstruktivní přístup k intenzionálním kontextům [A Constructive Approach to Intensional Contexts], E. Hajičová & J. Peregrin (eds.): Studie z transformační a formální gramatiky IV, SPN (skripta MFF UK), Praha, 1988, 53-78 [in Czech]
Rorty, R.: Zkoumání jako rekontextualizace - antidualistické pojetí interpretace [Inquiry as Recontextualization: An Antidualist Notion of Interpretation], Filosofický časopis 42, 1994, 358-379 [in Czech]
Frege, G.: Jsou zákony aritmetiky syntetické a apriorní? [an excerpt from Foundations of Arithmetic], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík (eds.): Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 33-44 [in Czech]
Ayer, A.J.: A priori [A chapter from Language, Truth and Logic], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík (eds.): Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 45-58 [in Czech]
Wittgenstein, L.: Z přednášek [an excerpt from lecture], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík (ed.): Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 59-64 [in Czech]
Malcolm, N.: Jsou nutné propozice skutečně verbální? [Are Necessary Propositions Really Verbal?], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík (eds.): Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 65-78 [in Czech]
Grice, H.P. & Strawson, P.F.: Na obranu dogmatu [In Defense of A Dogma], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík: Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 101-116 [in Czech]
Putnam, H.: Analytické a syntetické [The Analytic and the Synthetic], J. Peregrin & S. Soudedík (ed.): Co je analytický výrok?, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 1995, 117-142 [in Czech]
Stekeler-Weithofer, P.: Idea, pojem, význam [Idea, Concept, Meaning], Filosofický časopis 43, 1995, 989-1006 [in Czech]
Wheeler, S. III: Rozšíření deconstrukce [The Extension of Deconstruction], Filosofický časopis 44, 1996, 943-963 [in Czech]
Tichý, P.: Konstrukce [Constructions], J. Peregrin (ed.): P. Tichý: O čem mluvíme (vybrané stati k logice a sémantice), FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1996, 119-145 [in Czech]
Tichý, P.: Znovu o Sinn a Bedeutung [Sinn and Bedeutung Revisited], J. Peregrin (ed.): P. Tichý: O čem mluvíme (vybrané stati k logice a sémantice), FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1996, 147-161 [in Czech]
Putnam, H.: Realismus s lidskou tváří [Realism with a Human Face], Co po metafyzice?, ARCHA, Bratislava, 1997 [in Czech]
Rorty, R.: Putnam a hrozba relativismu [Putnam and the Relativist Menace], Co po metafyzice?, ARCHA, Bratislava, 1997 [in Czech]
Quine, V.W.O: Ontologicá relativita [Ontological Relativity], J. Peregrin (ed.): Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1998, 47-82 [in Czech]
Sellars, W.: Význam jako funkční klasifikace [Meaning as Functional Classification], J. Peregrin (ed.): Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1998, 83-106 [in Czech]
Davidson, D.: O samotné myšlence pojmového schématu [On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme], J. Peregrin (ed.): Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1998, 107-126 [in Czech]
Goodman, N.: Slova, Díla, Světy [Worlds, Works, Words], J. Peregrin (ed.): Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1998, 127-146 [in Czech]
Putnam, H.: Problém realismu [The Problem of Realism], J. Peregrin (ed.): Obrat k jazyku: druhé kolo, FILOSOFIA, Praha, 1998, 173-193 [in Czech]
Abrams, E., Goldberg, S., Hetherington, E.: Rozhovor s Donaldem Davidsonem [Interview with Donald Davidson], Filosofický časopis 47, 1999, 263-276 [in Czech]
Brandom, R.: Rozum, vyjádření a filosofie [Reason, Expression and the Philosophical Enterprise], Filosofický časopis 48, 2000, 419-437 [in Czech]
Quine, W.V.O.: Ohlédnutí za dvěma dogmaty [Two Dogmas in Retrospect], Filosofický časopis 51, 2003, 71-81 [in Czech]
Brandom, B.: Pragmatistické osvícení (a jeho problematická sémantika) [Pragmatistic Enloghtment (and its Problematic Semantics)], Filosofický časopis 52, 2004, 257-275 [in Czech]
Garfield, J. & G. Priest: Nágárdžuna a hranice myšlení [Nagarjuna and the limist of thought], Holba, J. (ed.): Nágárdžuna, filosofie střední cesty, OIKOYMENH, Praha, 2012, 305-330 [in Czech]


K recenzím mé knihy o analytické filosofii [Towards the Reviews of my Book on Anaytic Philosophy], Filosofický časopis 42, 1994 [in Czech]
Quine a význam [Quine and Meaning], Filosofický časopis 43, 1995, 861-863 [in Czech]
Je vyplyvanie fakt a ma empirický charakter? (Dialog) [Is Consequence a Fact and does it Have an Empirical Nature?] [co-authored by P. Cmorej], ORGANON F 2, 1995, 381-394 [in Czech]
Nesnesitelná lehkost filosofování [The Unbearable Lightness of Philosophizing], Filosofický časopis 44, 1996, 519-522 [in Czech]
Reply to Groenendijk, Stokhof & Veltman [co-authored by K. von Heusinger], H. Kamp & B.Partee (eds.): Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning II, Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1997, 245-249
Co je to elementární logika? [What is the elementary logic?], Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie 43, 1998, 45-47 [in Czech]
Berka vs. Frege: několik poznámek, ORGANON F, 1999
'Co budeš dělat, až ti začnou říkat relativista?' ['What will you do when they call you a relativist?'], Filosofický časopis 48, 2000, 315-322 [in Czech]
J. Peregrin rozmlouvá s P. Maternou při příležitosti jeho 70. narozenin [co-authored by P. Materna], Filosofický časopis 48, 2000, 829-848
Význam a struktura: o čem je má kniha, Filosofický časopis 1, 2001, 143-155
Ještě několik poznámek k tomu, co je v mé knize [Some more remarks to what is in the book?], Filosofický časopis 49, 2001, 853-856 [in Czech]
Comments on Dekker [co-authored by .], H. Kamp & B.Partee (eds.): Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002
Comments on Krifka, H. Kamp & B.Partee (eds.): Context-Dependence in the Analysis of Linguistic Meaning, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002
Úskalí interpretace kalkulu [Perplexities of the interpretation of a calculus], Reflexe 25, 2002, 119-128 [in Czech]
K Brandomovu Articulating Reasons, ORGANON F 10, 2003, 205-209
Ještě jednou o dvou úrovních významu, Filosofický časopis, 2004
Ještě jednou (a naposled): o co jde Brandomovi [Once more (and for the last time): what Brandom is after], ORGANON F 11, 2004, 194-197 [in Czech]
Je vědomí záhada, nebo řešitelný problém? [Is cousciousness a mystery or a "solvable problem"?], Vesmír 83, 2004, 535-537 [in Czech]
Co to je 'traktátovská teorie jazyka'? [What is 'the tractarian theory of language'?], ORGANON F 11, 2004, 434-436 [in Czech]
Tak tedy ještě jednou o Putnamovi, ... [So once more about Putnam, two levels of meaning, natural kinds ...], Filosofický 52, 2004, 665-672 [in Czech]
Fenomenologie a (post)analytická filosofie (dialog) [Phenomenology & (post)analytic philosophy (a dialogue)] [co-authored by - Blecha, I.], ORGANON F 11, 2004, 297-313 [in Czech]
Odpovědi kritikům [Replies to critics], Filosofický časopis 53, 2005, 619-6240015-1831 [in Czech]
Odpovědi kritikům [Replies to Critics], Filosofický časopis 53, 2005, 619-624 [in Czech]
Já o platonismu, Cmorej o výrazech a semivýrazech [Me on Platonism, Cmorej on expressions and semiexpressions], ORGANON F 14, 2007, 84-87 [in Czech]
Fiala vs. Kolman [Fiala vs. Kolman], Filosofický časopis 57, 2009 [in Czech]
Politizace rozumu, nebo jeho depolitizace? [Pollitization of reason, or its depolitization?], Aluze, 2010, 95-101 [in Czech]
Nejde o radikální *levici*, ale o *radikální* levici [What is in question is not radical *left*, but rather *radical* left], Aluze, 2010, 89-92 [in Czech]
Odpověď noetického diletanta [Reply of a noetic amateur], Distance (www.distance.cz), 2012 [in Czech]
Člověk, pravidla a neslučitelnost [Man, rules and incompatibility], Filozofia 67, 2012, 472-475 [in Czech]
O člověku, pravidlech a neslučitelnosti ještě jednou [Man, rules and incompatibility revisited], Filozofia 68, 2013, 905-910 [in Czech]
Diletant opět na scéně, tentokrát bezradný [Amateur once more, this time helpless], odesláno do redakce časopisu Distance, 2013 [in Czech]
Wittgenstein a pravidla, Filosofický časopis 64, 2016, 446-454
Tak dobře, trapme ještě chvilku ducha [OK then, let us vex the spirit a little bit more], Filosofie dnes 8, 2016, 121-127 [in Czech]
Trápení může být kultivací, ale přestává tak být trápením? [Vexing my be a cultivation; but does is therefore cease to be vexing?], Filozofia 72, 2017, 581-585 [in Czech]
Vědomí ve světle "zdravého rozumu" [Consciousnes in the light of "common sense"], Filosofický časopis 66, 2018, 442-446 [in Czech]
Ještě o vědomí, behaviorismu a zdravém rozumu [Once more about consciousness, behaviorism and common sense], Filosofický časopis 66, 2018, 589-593 [in Czech]
Doznání rozumného zvířátka [Confession of a rational critter], Filosofický časopis 68, 2020, 303-304 [in Czech]
Kdo tu mluvil o metafyzice? [Who Said Metaphysics?], Filosofický časopis 71, 2023, 719-724 [in Czech]


Je realismus filozofickým problémem? [Is Realism a Philosophical Problem?], Tvar, 1994, 7-8 [in Czech] (popularizovaná verze textu, který pak vyšel pod názvem 'Je realismus problémem?' v knize Realismus ve vědě a filosofii (Filosofia, Praha)
Teorie všeho? Čeho všeho? [Theory of everything? Of what kind of everything?], Vesmír, 1997 [in Czech]
Práve teraz klamem [I am lying right now], Domino-fórum 3, 1998, 12 [in Czech]
Co vím, když vím, jak dál? [What do I know when I know how to go on?], Vesmír 77, 1998, 252-254 [in Czech]
K čemu je nám dnes filosofie?, Lidové noviny, 1998, 21
Spiklenci slasti, Respekt 10, 1999, 20
Kouzlo kybervěku, Respekt, 2000, 18
Konec kyberpunku? [The end of cyperpunk?], Inzine, 2000 [in Czech]
Nesmiřitelní, Respekt, 2001
Jazyk, magie & matematika, Analogon, 2002, 90-98
Gavagai!, The Philosophers Magazine, 2002, 23-24
Alan Turing a jeho univerzální stroje [Alan Turing and his universal machines], Computerworld 14, 2003, 26 [in Czech]
Jsme počítače, které o tom nevědí (rozhovor) [We are computers who do not know about it], Computerworld 14, 2003, 25-26 [in Czech]
Dávat slovům význam [Making words meaningful], Anthropos, 2005, 61-66 [in Czech]
Možné světy v logice [Possible worlds in logic], Aluze, 2005, 135-141 [in Czech]
Rozhovor [Interview], Risk-Management.cz, 2007 [in Czech]
Jak nebýt užitečným idiotem [How not to be a useful idiot], P. Hlaváček (ed.): Intelektuál ve veřejném prostoru, Academia, Praha, 2012, 306-326 [in Czech]
Poznámky k českému překladu LOGICOMIXu [Notes to the Czech translation of LOGICOMIX], nepublikováno, 2012 [in Czech]
Rozhovor [Interview], tiscali.cz, 2015 [in Czech]
Rozhovor [Interview], Literární noviny, 2015 [in Czech]
Žijeme v počítačové simulaci?, Deník N, 2023
Co znamená něco znamenat?, Deník N, 2023
Život Kurta Gödela na pozadí bouřlivých dějin, Deník N, 2023
Metla, nebo kojná: Stojí naše civilizace na alkoholu?, Deník N, 2023